What We Do

What we do is take a common sense approach to how small business owners can use some of the techniques the “big boys” do to increase exposure and grow the business.  We also don’t waste time on things that simply don’t work for small business.

Our approach is simple.  Instead of spending a fortune “buying” keywords and ads that don’t return anything we concentrate on three areas:

  1. Most people’s websites, however pretty, are simply brochures.  They say nice things about the company but don’t offer anything or ask the prospect to DO something you want them to do.  We fix that.
  2. Most companies don’t take a pro-active approach to local directories.  You may be listed, but unless you maintain your own posting it is likely that the information contained is inaccurate or at least incomplete.  We maintain lists of active local directories, and update your company profiles.
  3. We set up and maintain profiles, sites, and “Fan Pages” where people can find you, follow you, and like you.  There are more searches for local professional services on FaceBook and LinkedIn than Google, and you can still rank quite highly in your local area.

This is a low cost, low risk approach that can drastically grow your business without breaking your bank.


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