Office Stress Relief Solutions

08 Mar

Whatever your job or role inside a business industry and career, there are trials, tribulations and challenges that will produce office stress, which needs to be dealt with. This can be stress of an overbearing employer, an uncomfortable seating situation or a large amount of deadlines and targets for a sales driven job. Aspects of stress can be dealt with by both the business and the individual and while both have a responsibility, it is ultimately the person suffering with the office stress to make changes to his or her lifestyle to cope. So whether it’s doing something relaxing or changing around your daily habits, these are some of the tips I have picked up throughout my career to beating stress and making my office job a pleasure rather than a burden through my body management.

Discover the Source of your Office Stress:

You need to know thy enemy before you are able to work out a solution to combat your office stress. If it is in regards to your impeding deadlines or simply an annoyance with a co-worker singing next door, you may need to have a different solution to each of those problems. Some situations can be solved and therefore eliminated as sources of stress through certain planning and avoidance strategies but others require you to develop a coping mechanism to deal with the stress. Sometimes office regulations need to be reminded to people to reduce stress or simply you need to change the way you approach your workload to avoid it piling up. Identifying what makes you stressed automatically makes the task simpler to deal with.

Coping mechanisms for your own stress:

During your day in the office, it’s easy to forget about the need to take breaks when you are feeling the stress of office life with thousands of deadlines and each task falling under a more urgent category than the last. Taking a 10-15 minute break 3 or 4 times during the day will result in you being more productive. Speaking to management about organising a relaxing area for workers, perhaps including a foosball table or a video games system can create a space for employee relaxation. While these are thought to reduce productivity, studies have actually shown their benefits to top tier companies. If you have loud and distracting co-workers, consider using earphones or ear plugs to enable you to focus better on your tasks and if other individuals are consistently interrupting your flow to ask assistance or questions, ask them perhaps to use an unobtrusive means, such as email or IM.

Making your work schedule and workspace your own will reduce your stress and make for an easier day, and life in your career. Make sure you manage your working hours, the way you need to within the framework of your company.

Dave Tucker is a freelance author with numerous years of experience in the business world. With numerous different opportunities he has had in serviced offices Glasgow and throughout the UK, Dave as advised on aspects such as humoan resources for medium enterprises as well as where to find the best office space for rent in metropolitan areas.


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